Monday, October 4, 2010

The Hope Continues

This process has been amazing and I am inspired by the bravery that everyone who shared their stories displayed. If you are new to reading this blog The Schiff Dance Collective has been holding writing and movement workshops with the community on how to find hope regarding our own or others addictions. These stories will be used to create a show.
Today I would like to extend enormous gratitude for the bravery of our participants and all those who struggle with their own or a loved ones addiction. These are not easy stories to tell.
Addiction is shrouded with secrecy and shame. That feeling of hopelessness. That feeling of isolation and panic. That feeling that this has never happened to anyone else. That feeling that when you walk into a room full of people and share your story transforms from shame and fear into relief and eventually hope.
I feel an enormous gratitude for those who told me their stories. Now I have the opportunity to extend that freedom to others.
Let us be brave for each other. Let us take that first step into a loving community where we can be held up until we can stand on our own.
Take it from me-a girl who felt worthless and was so paranoid she could not leave her apartment, who grew into a woman living a life of usefulness and love.
It is worth it.
Share your story.

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